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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U+ or 9K

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I thought I made a topic earlier today, but I cannot find it anywhere. Sorry if I did. I am debating about sticks, I can get a 9K for $80, and the U+ for $90, the only thing I worry about is the durability of the U+. Should I go with two 9K's or get 1 of each? I can't get to of the U+ unless I bought two different curves.

I guess my main question is if people are having durability issues with the U+.

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I'm sure that your topic was deleted.

On forums in general the first line of etiquette is to search and research first, and post a new topic if all else fails. If you use the "SEARCH" function in the lower left of the forum then you will find plenty of information on both of these sticks, and a thread on the U+ in the first page or two.

Welcome aboard......but you may want to read through the rules of the forum before you begin creating new threads.

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Sorry. Whenever I tried to search for CCM or CCM U+ it didn't bring up any topics.

The search function will only recognize characters that are 4 items or longer. For the U+ especially....you can scroll a page or two and find the topic.

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