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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate ankle problem

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I have searched and searched my inner right ankle ball or medial epicondyle has become large and painful, I have vapors and they fit great but become very painful on the ball during skating. Ive tried building up the area and spot heating to accomodate but that is not doing it, the skates are broken in, any advice or skate reccomendations that would accomodate this problem would be great the size difference betwenn the left and right ankle ball is over 1/2inch, thanks for any advice

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How long have you had these skates? It could be due to the fact that the padding has just compressed to the point where there isn't enough cushioning(had the same problem with my XXs) or that these skates are too shallow where your ankle ball isn't lining up with the ankle padding of the skate.

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they are wore in but have plenty of life in them but the padding is pushed out of the problem area

so if the padding is gone.. and the ankle is rubbing up against the boot wouldn't that be a cause for the problem you are having?

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I had the same problem while wearing a pair of Graf 703's a few years ago. In the end, I had to get the fluid drained from the ball and have the area taped to continue skating in them. I tried just about everything to fix the skate - spot heating, baking, punching, etc. - and nothing seemed to work properly, so in the end I rested my feet for about 3 weeks and got new skates. Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but thats the only solution that worked for me.

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You could try heating the skate up where the problem area is and then take a tennis ball and stick it in the boot overnight. If the tennis ball isn't big enough either find a bigger ball or just wrap a bandage around it to make it large enough. I don't know for sure if this will work for your skates, but it worked with my Kors and I haven't had any problems since. I even kept the ball in there for a few weeks every time I was done skating.

It's worth a shot.

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Hey man you may want to try remolding the Heel. I had the same problem with an area on the front of my foot for 4 months, 3 Hockey shops and several trys at home couldn't make the spot bearable. Then I noticed that when I originally heat molded them one side was a little off, putting my foot on a very slight angle, but nothing you would notice when wearing the skate. That less than a quarter of an inch in the heel made a huge difference, all the way at the front of the skate. I redid the heel and it fixed all the problems instantly. I actually had to make the heel pocket slightly shallower. I was about a day away from trashing $500 skates, now I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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I went to the dr I have bursitis they gave me cortizone and drew the fluid out, its still large but I am told it will return my question now is I spot heated and punched the area of the skate with a 1" diameter punch while doing so the hard plastic skeleton between the shell and liner cracked and the liner tore, i glued in some neoprine under the liner are these gone or will that work for a while

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