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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor newbie.

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Hey, sorry to thread jack, but while we are on this topic which visor is the best at anti-fog. I have tried a few over the years, but always switch back to a cage, because I my head heats up a lot. The only visor I ever had that worked ok was the Itech HS22S Straight Cut Half Shield, but I would prefer a full.

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my first year of jrs is coming up too im not exactly sure but is anyone sure if there is a rule where you can wear a visor under the age of 18 if you sign a waver or something?

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Hey, sorry to thread jack, but while we are on this topic which visor is the best at anti-fog. I have tried a few over the years, but always switch back to a cage, because I my head heats up a lot. The only visor I ever had that worked ok was the Itech HS22S Straight Cut Half Shield, but I would prefer a full.

Itech DLX II, works like a charm for me. Almost completely fog-free and scratch-free.

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