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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I almost got Kevin Bieksa'd

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I actually had my calf muscle sliced with a skate. A few years ago I went out to cover the point in a heated game. I ran into him, knocking him on his ass, but as he was falling his legs kicked up and one his skates cut my calf as I was skating away. It did not hurt, but I could not put pressure on the leg. I went to the bench, but had no idea what had happened until my teammate noticed that I was bleeding.

I figured that it was just a surface slice that might need a few stitches. I was shocked when I got my sock and shinpad off and saw a 4 inch long gash, which was twice as wide and cut into the muscle. There was surprising little blood for the size of the cut.

It took a long time to get stitched up and I saw many more doctors than usual for ER stitches (you never want to hear “be careful not cause compartment syndrome.”) I was on crutches for about a month and had to go to PT for about month. I had no problems after PT, but did immediately buy new shinpads with better calf protection. I was very lucky there was no nerve damage and the skate missed major blood vessels.

That sux .. Good to hear that you made a good recovery

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Wow, it sounds like the opposite end of what happened to me. I was very lucky that it was mostly just a big scrape although there was quite a bit of bleeding. Now all that's left is some swelling which makes it a little uncomfortable to walk normally but I'd take that over not being able to walk at all.

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