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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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did nasacam find what he was looking for? he can probably get it from colgate's trainer?

Not yet, but I have some leads. I was looking at the veterans skates and was talking to a guy yesterday who had a pair of "pro felt tongues", which contain double thick tongues with solid plastic inserts that go on the top of your foot, to prevent foot breakage. I think that something like this would be perfect for my application because they are not too bulky and do not change the skate too much. I am going to talk to the trainer today and see if I can get my hands on these tongues for my new wheels.

Off topic but a fun note, all the one95 lumber came in yesterday in our room.. all I can say is WOW.. phenomenal feel and a great looking stick, especially in team colors.

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We use a heat mold-able plastic to create a guard and then lace it into the skate and rivet it on the bottom. Most of our guys like it. A couple of the more mental ones have said that they could feel it slightly when skating, but even they got over it. If its done right, you wont be able to feel it. I don't know where we get ours since we've never actually ordered it, San Jose's eq mgr sent us a bunch and we haven't been through it yet. I can ask Mike next time I see him.

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