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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sizing vapor xx vs. xix skates

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Hey all,

I used to have a pair of vapor xx skates that fit me perfectly.

I have found a similar model xix in the same size on ebay.

Does anyone know if the fit is exactly the same? if not what is the difference?

I know this is a blast from the past, but it's this or having a custom order of vapor xxxx's (mucho dinero)

thanks in advance!!!


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I wore size 8 Vapors XX and am now in a size 8 Vapor XXXX, I can tell you that it'll be fine but theres some room because of the newer toecaps.

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I wore size 8 Vapors XX and am now in a size 8 Vapor XXXX, I can tell you that it'll be fine but theres some room because of the newer toecaps.

I tried a size 9 in the new vapor xxxx's, (i used to wear 9.5 in xx's), and they are still too big (a little longer but noticeably widder).

I will be selling them on ebay shortly....

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