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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor hardware

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Anyone know where I can buy visor mounting hardware for an HS22?

My buddy gave me one but he needed to keep the hardware for his new one. Can they be bough separately or should I just stop by the hardware store and see what I can manufacture on my own?

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The rink I play at sells something like that kits above and as mentioned they don't contain the plastic washers. I'll try another store though - thanks for the input guys.

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The rink I play at sells something like that kits above and as mentioned they don't contain the plastic washers. I'll try another store though - thanks for the input guys.

if all else fails, you can get any similar plastic washers from a hardware store. And you'll have to be aware that the length of the screw will also be longer too. And if that doesn't work, i can try to see if i have any extra's lying around.

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I figured it was best to post this here rather than start a brand new thread.

I bought an Itech HLC visor a couple weeks ago (in Montreal at Rousseau Sports), when i asked the guys working there why it didnt come with any hardware, they said its not suposed to, and sent me on my merry way with no way to actually get my visor onto my helmet :blink:

Would the emergency repair kit be the best way to get the required hardware? Or would my LHS be able to give me what i need?

here's the visor for reference: http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage-IHLC.html

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I figured it was best to post this here rather than start a brand new thread.

I bought an Itech HLC visor a couple weeks ago (in Montreal at Rousseau Sports), when i asked the guys working there why it didnt come with any hardware, they said its not suposed to, and sent me on my merry way with no way to actually get my visor onto my helmet :blink:

Would the emergency repair kit be the best way to get the required hardware? Or would my LHS be able to give me what i need?

here's the visor for reference: http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage-IHLC.html

Your LHS should be able to provide you with the hardware that you need. If not, then the helmet hardware kit that I linked earlier looks like it would have all of th necessary hardware to mount it up for you.

And that is complete BS of the original shop for them not to give you the hardware for a new visor you just bought from them. :blink:

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And its not like i just bought the visor either, i bought about $300 worht of stuff that day, i figured the least they could do was give me a couple of screws!

I figured the language barrier could have been a bit of a problem too (though i like to think my french is actually pretty good)

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And its not like i just bought the visor either, i bought about $300 worht of stuff that day, i figured the least they could do was give me a couple of screws!

I figured the language barrier could have been a bit of a problem too (though i like to think my french is actually pretty good)

seriously. It looks like your missing the plastic hinges, that mount to the front of the helmet, and 2 straps that secure to the back of your helmet (right behind the ears). Not sure if the kit mentioned above would have them, but definately the store should have provided them (without you actually having to buy a seperate kit).

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the hinges on the very front are there, and I already have J-Clips on the helmet as my 480 (that i also bought that day) came with an extra set. yeah i also noticed i was missing the straps. would it be possible to just take the straps off an old cage do you think?

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Those straps are typically sewn into the cage themselves. You might be able to unstitch them and run them through a sewing machine to reattach them. Or you could always get some straps long enough to double them through the buckle.

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