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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trailer Park Boys

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I was just talkin with stampeder and we were going over some of the hilarious antics of tpb, and I said Hey, there should be a topic for this. Does anybody else watch this show, if so whats your favorite episode.

Mines the one with the Green Bastard.

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"I can't wait to get in the ring and start f#$%&* hammerin guys!!" :lol:

Green bastard is one of my favs.

The other ones are Conky, and the from season 2 when Bubbles was stealing the shopping carts from the grocery store Ricky was security guard at.

Conky kills me every time I see it. Ricky high on the glue from the rag he's wiping his bloody nose with, threatening a hand puppet thats smarter than him.

Never gets old.

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He also glues a truck to his hand in the conky, I couldnt stop laughing.

"ricky where did you throw him"

"I don't know it was in grade 6, I was drunk"

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I like when they try to senak into a concert so they have to go throughthe sewers and pop in through the bathroom, so they wear suits made out of garbage bags.

Or when ricky is like " Man,Julian is the smart one out of us, everyone wants to be like him, hes got his grade 11 edjucation."

J Rock is funny, so i'l try to edit one of his cuss filled quotes, so if you can, try to remember the one when they are playing ball hockey and they lose the ball.

"what? you mean we cant play no motha ****** ball hockey cause aint no motha ****** wants to go over to motha ****** canadian mother ****** tire and get a little mo ****** orange ball for 2 mo ****** dollas?"

How about when they steal BBQ's and then the cops are after them so they haveto throw them in the lake beside his trailer and they forget to put floaters on them s they all sink.

When ricky gets out of his car and walks up to a chick and the first thing she does is spray mace in his face and he runs around yelling then dunks his head in a janitors bucket full of dirty water.

I'll stop now.

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The Samquanch and Cocky episodes are by far the funniest. I hated how season 4 ended. Cory and Trevor have it coming.

in the Samquanch episod, the very beginning hwenthey beat eachother with the bat. thats funny stuff.

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I was at this thing called ICS, and 10 kids from every province go to North Bay, Ontario, where they learn about Canada's natural resources. Anyways, we had to make a paddle and I was really lazy, here is what I came up with compared to people's paintings of mountains and rivers:


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It's on BBC in the us and Showcase in Canada. All I know is that it's on at 11 and 11:30 sundays on showcase.

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I saw that it was on BBC today. It was a "new" episode from 2002. I've been told to steer clear of the old episodes because the one I saw sucked.

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The conky episodes coming up on Sunday, for showcase at leased. If you bbc guys get it watch it forsure, one of the best episodes.

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Sorry. Ali G has its moments, esp when he does Borat.

But its really not that funny, its sort of the same thing in each episode. Him acting like an idiot and asking rediculous questions to someone in politics, or science about advancements in technology etc... and them thinking he's serious.

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trailor park boys is an awesome show but its no match for seinfeld :D ,speaking of seinfeld ,i have the funniest idea for a seinfeld show...but seinfelds done :(

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