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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steel Switch

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Hey All, did a search and couldn't find anything...

I am hoping that I can bring my steel from my Lightspeeds to my LS2's (my old Vapor XX's to my Vapor XXV's. Thanks

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I went a .5 size bigger with my new skates so I didn't think it should be much much different... any way I can check what the holder size is?

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There should be a 3 digit number followed by an "L" or "R" molded into the flange on the heel tower. This tells you the size of the holder and steel. that is the number you need to match from skate to skate. The "L" or "R" is for left or right. The steel itself is not side specific, only the holder.

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Old Skates- 296

New Skates (LS2) - 288


Guess you're SOL. No worries, the LS2 steel that's currently on your XXVs is of better quality anyway!

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