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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NXI Phantom

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I got my cage from my LHS. He should be able to get it from the same place where he got the cage. if not you can get it offline from hockeyworld.com/ Peranis

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I figured I'd revive this post instead of a new one.

I am looking for replacement padding for my NXI Phantom. Would Quantum hockey have this too, and also do they have a website?

EDIT: found the site, and it doesn't look like they have it. Any other places that might?

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I know this is an old post but if anybody out there is looking for parts/ cages/ liners for there NXI phantom I have all of the stuff in stock still here at my store in Michigan. I know these parts are hard to come by now so if you need anything let me know. I only have chrome cages but in all styles and I can get different colors made.

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$89.95 per cage and im not sure on the chin cups (I will have to find out my cost, but I have a call in right now).

Got my call back. The chin cups are going to be $16.95. I can ship everything to you if you need me to as well. I see you are from cadillac, I grew up in Midland (not too far away). Our store is in Kalamazoo so if you are ever down this way you should check it out.

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Yeah, I used to go to Western..Which store you at? Services on W. Main? LOVE that old store. Let me know when you get the cups in. And I'll let you know what all I'll need.

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Yeah the old schoolhouse is still here. We have managed to branch out into having a website and selling stuff on-line. I'll let you know when we get the chin cups in. Shouldn't be too much longer.

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