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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best way to clean pads?

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I searched for this and nothing came up but,

whats the best way to get puck marks off or your pads?

Im gettin senior pictures taken this week, and am going to have my pads in the picture. Would like them to look as nice as possible

any help is appreciated

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Goo Gone is pretty severe stuff... could invisibly damage the synthetics enough to make them break down more quickly over time. Solvents in general are bad...

Magic Erasers apparently work really well on flat Jenpro, but the Erasers tend to get chewed up pretty fast by Weave/Robocop.

I've seen huge jugs of industrial "Puck Remover" in janitorial supply stores (which for some reason are very common around here) - no idea how that works, though.

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i would say magic eraser as well. I was hesitant at first, but when I did apply it to my pads, I didn't notice any deterioration on the surface of the pads. The magic erase does the job pretty well.

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magic eraser for sure.... i did it to my pads after my first season with them to make them look a little newer. and although it doesn't get every mark off, you will notice a huge difference

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