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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pad Sizing for me

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Hi, I am 5'6" (or a little less) with an ankle to knee of 14.5". I am 31 and play in a recreational league, some games with slapshots and some without. I am thinking of getting into goaltending and trying to size the pads but will be buying online. Not much selection where I am. So, I am 150 pounds as well. I hear RBK pads run taller, Itech you can adjust the knee, etc. I want my knee in the cradle so when I drop to my knees I don't hit them on the ice. I am thinking of a 32" Intermediate pad myself, a small pants, and a medium chest pad. I have a size 30-31" waist.

Thanks for your help and I am on a budget, so keep that in mind with suggestions.

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Hey, sounds pretty good to me. It sucks that you can't just drop in somewhere to try on pads. I think I'm roughly the same size as you. I'm 5'7-5'8 and I used 34+1s. I'm in medium pants as well as medium chest pads. As far as RBK pads go, I've heard the same thing as well. You might want to take a look at the vaughn 7400s, brians DX3s or the bauer one75s. Companies seem to be upping the quality on mid-level pads. As far as C/A, I picked up a simmons 994 for $320 which I thought was a steal for the amount of protection it has. After using it a couple times, I almost think theres TOO much and I'm finding movement a bit restrictive, but of course, its not broken in yet. Hope that helps!


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