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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jr, Sr, or Int. size blade?

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Ok so heres the deal. I have a Warrior Royale Intermediate stick and I broke the blade. I went to my LHS and they said it wont fit Jr. or Sr blades. Do companies even make intermediate sized blades? And would it fit?

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Easton makes intermediate blades, I'm not sure if any would fit the dimensions of your shaft though. Are you looking to go tapered, or flip the shaft and put a standard blade in?

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hmm, this is a good question...I haven't heard of too many people putting in blades for int ops, especially the royale, maybe if someones done this to a dolomite int. or something. Troy is right, easton makes them...If your lhs has them maybe try one of them, only thing is it would suck if it didnt fit. Best case scenario is you cut the stick minimally and throw a pair of calipers inside the shaft and then maybe try and do the same to some blades...either way let us know what you ended up doing, I'm sure others would be interested

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