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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer xxvr on sale rollerhockeymonkey anybody have them yet

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so i been surfing the usual stores online and just noticed rollermonkey just imported some bauer xxvr roller hockey skates ....now i have a pair of xxr lites and just converted a pair of vapor xxxx to roller but now im looking at the xxvr and they look pretty and i always wanted a pair so im wondering if anybody here has them so i can see some real time pics

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i believe i had a pair of these come in to the shop i work at the other day, i could be mistaken and they could could have been xxr's but im pretty sure they were the xxvr. your better off getting the xxv ice hockey skate and doing the conversion, the boot on these were pretty weak and it didnt seem like it had much protection wise. i felt it wasnt anything like the xxv ice.

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