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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Goalie Roller hockey sizing questions

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im starting to play goalie for roller hockey and i have a few inquiries.

first off the most important is the goalie roller blades. im wondering how the blades should fit on ur foot. should it be tight and comfortable or loose on the front and side?

im flat footed and the sides of my feet usually hurts whenver i blade or roller too long, so im wondering what kind of sizing method should i get for the goalie roller blades?

i also have question about the pads but ill ask those later after i measure my ankle to knee

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Skates should fit snug without room to move around or you are just asking for blisters. If the footbed is causing you issues, then look into aftermarket inserts. Easily some of the best money that you can spend.


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what about baking? i heard someone talk about baking the skate to make them fit more snuggly? is there such thing??

also im 5'7 or 5'8 (depends which weird scale u use lol) and my ankle to knee is about 16 to 16.5 inches. which kind of pad sizes i should get

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There are many goalie skates that are capable of being baked to increase the comfort and fit while reducing the break-in time.

Pad size is going to be dependent on a number of things, not the least of which is the manufacturer that you are planning to go with. Off the top of my head, I'd say that you would be looking for a pad in the 32 to 34 inch range and that doesn't include any added thigh rise, if that is something that you would wish to have.


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That is a decision that you will have to make. Personally, I find that gear that fits me correctly is a far better choice and it's ability to work with me far outweighs any advantage brought by over sized gear.


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