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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mask advice

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im looking into a new mask for xmas and am having a tough time due to the limited selection in local stores. i am looking for something cheeper than a promask but offers comfort and protection. any sugustions? also, does anybody know where i can look at olie's in the eastern mass. area? thanks

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Hackva and Sportmask would certainly qualify. I don't know Olie's line very well, but there seem to be good reasons to prefer those prior two brands. Eddy might also be an option, but I find their different models unclear.

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I believe Gabe still doesn't upcharge for custom fit changes. Just go to your local dealer, tell them where the fit is off, and they'll broker it. He should be able to cut the foam to adapt to nearly anything.

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Hey, I'm new to Mass so not really sure if Sports Etc. in Arlington is anywhere nearby but they have some Hackvas there. I guess it might be worth a shot to go try one on?

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Arlington is about 20 minutes from Boston, and their staff is great. They have Hackva, Pro Masque, and Itech I think in stock.

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