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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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v08 fit?

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Hey guys, looking for new pants with increased hip/ass protection. I currently have Mission M1s, which I understand were pretty good several years ago, but they are pretty bulky in the thighs and I have a couple of pretty good hip bruises going. I went today to my lhs (although at 1 1/2 hours away, it doesn't feel too local) and looked at the ccm v08. They look like they fit the bill for what I am looking for, but the sizing seems odd. I am just over 5'11'', 185lbs with a 33 inch waist. I have worn medium pants/shorts for my whole life in pretty much everything, including my Missions. The label on the medium v08 said 32 to 34 inch waist, which is perfect, but the height recommendations were for 5'5" to 5'11", putting me at the very top of the range. I tried the mediums on and they seemed pretty short/tight in the thighs. I have skinny thighs, so it isn't my girth. My question is would the large be too big around the waist? I assume it will be better on length, but I am worried that I will be swimming in them. Any experiences with these pants? They didn't have any large in stock, as usual, so I can't try them on. Thanks.

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i'd ignore the sizing, try on every size, then buy the ones that feel the best.

I would have thought that the sizing on them is just an estimated guess anyway and they will fit everyone differently.

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