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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Vapor vs NBH OneXX conversion

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Im looking for a new skate again and am going back to an ice boot. About a year ago I bought my first, and last, pair of roller hockey skates but Im in need of new skates again.

Anyway, I used to have Vapor 10s and think I am going to go back to Bauers, though I dont know which boot. For whatever reason I tend to see far more Vapors converted to roller than the OneXX series, is there any GOOD reason for this? I am thinking about converting either One90, One70/75, or Vapor XXV/XXXX. Im leaning toward the Vapors because my last boot was really durable and a quality skate overall, but I like the OneXXs because they seem to be lighter.

If it makes a difference, I want to use the Humer chassis. And yes, I do realize I probably will have to dremel an ice boot to accommodate the 80mm wheels.

Anyway, if anyone has any input on this, it would be appreciated.

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From what I understand, the biggest difference between the two boots is the fit. And you should probably go with the boot that fits you better. Having said that, the only pair of bauers i ever had was a CHEAP pair of rollers that was my first inline skate back in 1999 maybe. I've seen vapors and onexx's both converted and as far as I know neither is a problem to convert.

Maybe that helps a little, but i suspect I was probably no help.

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All the skates you are looking to convert (One90, One70, One75, Vapor XXV & Vapor XXXX's) are great skates, if they fit you properly. Why didn't you mention the One95's? If you've got the dough, I say choose between the One90's and the Vapor XXXX's based upon fit.

I believe the reason there are more Vapors converted than One series skates, is just a sign of preference/fit.

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I've heard from some that the fit of the One90 was better than that of the One95; IIRC, I heard its tighter and narrower? Anyway, I've yet to try any of the OneXXs on so I'll try on whatever I can find. I did try a pair of One70s about 6-8 mos ago, but dont really remember the fit.

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