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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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IDS Proshot vs PROPUCK

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I'd like to just get the opinion of those who've used both the IDS pro shot and the PROPUCK inline hockey pucks.

1) Which one weighs less? the pvc IDS, or the vulcanized PROPUCK?

2) Which one glides better on an outdoor rink? Feels most true to a rubber puck on ice.

3) Which one bounces and settles down better?

4) Which one shoots and passes better?

Any other opinions and comments about the two or other roller pucks is welcomed. Thanks!

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I just made some comments on the other thread on this. We are a club that plays on an outdoor "polished" cement surface. The Millenium Pro Puck wins in every category you list. You don't mention stickhandling, the IDS - a new one with full nubs stickhandles better, but those nubs only last a few hours... The Pro Pucks last for a year or more of playing practising 2-3 times a week.

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I'd like to just get the opinion of those who've used both the IDS pro shot and the PROPUCK inline hockey pucks.

1) Which one weighs less? the pvc IDS, or the vulcanized PROPUCK?

2) Which one glides better on an outdoor rink? Feels most true to a rubber puck on ice.

3) Which one bounces and settles down better?

4) Which one shoots and passes better?

Any other opinions and comments about the two or other roller pucks is welcomed. Thanks!

1) IDS is MUCH lighter

2)They both glide just as well outside

3)The PROPUCK stays much, much flatter, but once they get rolling/bouncing, the IDS is MUCH easier to control. The PROPUCK, being made up rubber, bounces quite a bit.

4)I feel passing is better with the PROPUCK, but shooting is better with IDS.

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I just made some comments on the other thread on this. We are a club that plays on an outdoor "polished" cement surface. The Millenium Pro Puck wins in every category you list. You don't mention stickhandling, the IDS - a new one with full nubs stickhandles better, but those nubs only last a few hours... The Pro Pucks last for a year or more of playing practising 2-3 times a week.

I agree. The IDS wears down really fast. Its also bouncy on both black parking lot pavement and the outdoor polished cement. Pro puck wins hands down.

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