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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Width

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I didn't find any topics on my question here so here it is.

If I wear a size 7.5 D CCM U+, would the transition to a size 8-8.5 Bauer Vapor XXX EE be a big difference? I don't really pay attention to me foot width until they start to hurt. I also have an option of a Vapor XXX regular.

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you have to try them on to know. I am good with 9D RBK. Last year's 9D vectors were a tad narrow for me. I to go to a EE vapor after trying on an E, but I didn't want to order them just to find out if they fit.

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I have worn many a pair of Vapor XXXs. I believe they ran a bit small as well because I had no change in skate size when I went to the U+ 7.5 and my foot grew a couple of sizes.

I forgot to mention that the U+ D's are a bit too narrow for me.

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Different skates are a different fit. Its not only a matter of of width. Narrow where? Ball, heel, toe? You have to concider factors such as depth, instep height, low or high cut boot, heel lock (crucial), toe box etc. Do yourself a favor and try on as many as you can. I'm not trying to be an asshole.

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No. I appreciate your input. The U+'s are narrow along my arches, and at a certain point in my foot where there is a bit of a bump. With my XXX's everything seemed to be perfect. Perfect depth, instep height, and the heel lock was just right. The toe box was a bit small and I don't really know what you mean by low or high cut boot.

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