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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Exchanging Skates?

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I just bought a pair of Graf Ultra G5 from my LHS and skated on them tonight. They are ok, no real problems today. I had to tie them real tight or my heel slipped. I'm worried that after they really break in they are going to have too much volume in them.

So I'm thinking I can go down a half size. How do LHS's typically handle this? I don't think they had the 6W on hand or I would have tried them on. What can I expect if I call them.


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If its not to far I would just head back into the shop and explain the situation, they should be pretty reasonable as long as you are still going to buy skates from them. I did it recently and the LHS had no problem with it.

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Have you had them baked? if not the I'd say your chances are pretty good. If they have been, you might still be able to, but it's less likely.

If it is a bit of a drive to your LHS give them a ring first, save you the trouble of the trip if your unluckey enough to not be able to return them.

Good luck

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