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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Vapor XVI Shaft Feedback

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Hi All,

I have a One90 OPS 77 flex that I like but would like to try one of the vapor sticks with the light stickum. I found that there is a Vapor XVI shaft with light stickum on it for around $55, and I'm considering trying this as opposed to a OPS as I'm in between the p88 and p92 blades. Is this stick junk or pretty good overall?

I'm also thinking about this shaft as opposed to a One95 to see if the lower kickpoint helps with snap shots, and like I said, has the stickum on it. Since it is a standard taper I'm considering using either the XVI comp or One 95 comp blades.

Any reasons why this might not be a good idea?

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It's not going to perform as well as your one90 ops, and with this shaft being standard you won't really notice the low kick point, they do offer this stick in a ops however that might perform a little better

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