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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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95 vs 40

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Hi guys..I have been switching around between the one95 and vapor 40 sticks. both 87 flex pm9's...I like the feel of the puck on the one95 alot and it is easier to get shots off..but I feel like it can be to whippy and light..should I try a 100 flex with a one95?..the 40 seems stiffer although same flex, which I like. Also any methods to add any weight to a stick?..spray paint at the bottom?..any advice helps


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do you want to add weight, or try to balance it differently? I sometimes put a plug tenon in my shaft even if i dont need the extension to make some sticks feel not so blade heavy. I'm not sure paint would make too much of a difference in weight unless its like duraguard or something tacky.

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Lead tape could add some weight but I'm not sure how much...I haven't used it, just heard of the method. I'd go with the 102 flex if the 87 is too much flex for you.

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