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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9k vs one95 RE: boot depth?

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I purchased some reebok 9k last year and i really like the performance of the skate. I had no real fit issues until this year when i took a slapper on top of the laces on my right foot. i started developing a bone spur on my right foot so i had to change the pattern of my skate lacing and add an extra bad underneath the tongue to prevent lace bite. i saw the thread on pencil test recently and decided to check it out on my skates. i did get fitted for these skates at one of the high end LHS here but i cant remember if they did the pencil test. anyways seems as though right where i got hit with the puck, i fail the pencil test miserably. i have fairly high arches.

is the one95 a deeper boot then the 9k? any recommendation for someone in my situation?? thanks for the help.

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that's a pretty deep skate (the 9k)... how close to the pencil is your other foot?

I'd be concerned that if you compensate for the bad foot, the other foot is going to be in a skate that's too deep, and you'll end up with your foot sliding around and get all sorts of problems from that.

how does your skating feel in the bad foot? I'm curious as to what some people are going to say on this, personally i think the lesser of the two evils may be to stay put.

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both left and right pencil test is about the same for me. the right boot is a small bit worse due to the small bump on my foot from the puck i took. i had no problems with lace bite until after i took that puck on the laces. what ive done is skip the eyelets at the level of the bump and added a small circular donut foam pad to take the pressure off that area. its difficult to get as snug as i prefer with the modified lacing setup. i like to have my skates really snug as i feel i have better control and ability to make more aggressive turns etc.

i really love the 9k skates. i came from an old pair of ccm taks 159. this was the first high end skate i have purchased.

would adding felt to the tongue improve lace bite situations? do they just stitch it underneath the OEM tongue?

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