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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fandangles_hold the fan

Tour cobalt Q warranty question

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I bought a pair of qs maybe two months ago and recently have had a ton of problems with them and was wondering if the problems were considered under warranty. First off I don't tie the skates using the top eylet so now the hole is like sharp and cuts my ankles on both skates so I have to put tape over that part in order to be able to turn and cut, and i can bend the wheels that came with them with my fingers. I really don't want to have to buy new wheels and tape the top of a pair of skates that cost like $400 so I'm thinking of requesting a warranty but I don't want that to be a total waste of time and I figured somebody on here knows to do.

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dude.... ive had my q's for 3 weeks, and i too am having problems! the left skate is money so far. but the right one feels like the heel cup was mismolded, and it digs into my foot. also the outsole was mismolded, so the composite looks funny, and you can see glue everywhere.

you should call tour. because when i called they said thst they have never gotten a complaint about those skates before! im sending mine back to be inspected.

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