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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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C/A Question

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I have a Vaughn 6000 C/A. It's finally starting to break in and I am really starting to like the unit, but the arms are a Tad too long..is there any way to shorten the arms? I've had a couple others that had laces/eyelets with different levels to shorten or lengthen, but these don't have that. Any suggestions?

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It really depends on where they are too long. if the entire arm is too long, meaning your elbows don't line up where they should in the elbow pads, then you need to shorten the arms at the shoulders. If the elbows are OK and the unit is simply too long in the wrists, then it needs to be shortened at the elbow or wrist.

If the entire arm needs to be shortened, and the are sewn into the chest piece, you can simply cut the arms off under the shoulder floater and either stitch them back higher on the chest piece, or actually remove a port of the arm and stitch it back into place. there is usually a soft spot under the shoulder floater that will make this relatively easy. It isn't the prettiest way to get the job done, but it works. Just make sure you use some heavy duty nylon thread. If you really want a "factory" finish, you can always find a shoe repair shop to do the work, but, IMO that's a waste of cash.

Now, if they need to be shortened at the elbow or wrist, that's a little more complicated as both of those areas tend to have a substantial amount of padding. If that is the case, you would simply have to trim the areas that are too long and sew it all back up again. Just make sure you don't trim too much in this area, as missing padding in those areas can be a bit of a pain, literally. If you are a first time "tinkerer," I would recommend a shoe repair who knows a little about hockey gear.

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Justin's right on the money: if it's too long from the shoulder to the elbow, DIY; if it's too long from elbow to wrist, get someone else to do it unless you're extremely capable.

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It's Both really...I have to slide up the elbow to sit properly, and even then the bottom strap is Right AT the wrist, unless I'm wrong, I always thought it was supposed to be up higher like an inch or few...it doesn't hinder anything really during game play, just more of a nuisance when getting dressed and putting the gloves on. But thanks again for the suggestions...I'll have to look at it again more closely and see if it's something I feel like I wanna tackle.

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