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Drills Database

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We don't have a coach for our team and we're always looking around for good drills to do at practice be it to practice passing, shooting, skating, working with the goalies anything. We're also a pretty mixed level group so it's nice to have some drills that are more advanced but also some drills that are basic enough that everyone can do them and benefit from them.

I presume I'm not the only one with this problem...or maybe I am.

So I thought it might be a good idea for people to post up any drills they can think of with a little diagram and description and what exactly the focus of the drill is.

Here's a blank rink diagram to draw on. Just click on it and save the larger image. It should open in paint.

If this is a stupid idea please feel free to tell me or direct me elsewhere.


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I don't the exact name but we call it Corners. Split the guys up into the two top corners of the ice, then one player will skate from one corner to the blue line, while another player from the opposite corner will pass him the puck. The player receiving the puck will then go at it with the goalie.

The shooting player will then go to the opposite corner from where he started, and the player who initially passed the puck will be on the receiving end this time.

It's a good way to warm up both the players and goalies.

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I don't the exact name but we call it Corners. Split the guys up into the two top corners of the ice, then one player will skate from one corner to the blue line, while another player from the opposite corner will pass him the puck. The player receiving the puck will then go at it with the goalie.

The shooting player will then go to the opposite corner from where he started, and the player who initially passed the puck will be on the receiving end this time.

It's a good way to warm up both the players and goalies.

we call them horseshoes. progress onto one-timers in the same drill.

also work on 2-on-1s, the puck starts with defencemen who break out the forwards from behind the net. forwards then wheel around at the blue line and come in 2v1.

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This ^^^ is usually a drill NHL teams incorporate into their pre game warm up.

A good offensive attacking drill is the "weave drill"

basically you start off in your own zone with 3 lines (Rw's C's and lw's in their "lanes") at the goal line. (You can get D men to do this as well until the basics of the drill is understood by all before you add dmen to attack on)

A puck is placed behind the net. The C skates from in front of the net behind the net to pick up the puck and passes it to either one of the wingers, who is skating towards the middle of the ice on an angle. The far winger is skating in a similar mirror direction and you basically weave (all three players) up the ice making the passes until you get into the Offensive zone, at which point fundamental hockey takes over and the puck carrier goes wide, one drives the net, and one hangs in the high slot setting up options for the passer and the threat on goal, with a goalie in net obviously. At the level you described...You should probably get three or four passes made before you enter the zone, the guys shouldn't be skating at 100% speed unless they are the ones that made the pass and are following the pass behind the guy that just received it. at higher paced levels it is usually only two or three weaves before the puck is shot at net.

Once the guys understand the concept and everyone can execute you then introduce 1 dman, and eventually a second ( to attack on ) you can even add a forechecker to try and screw up the flow drill.

Sorry for no diagram, I am at work and our web filter blocks out image DL and blocks access to image hosting sites. :( I can provide a link to a site showing it though with coaching points and a diagram :D http://www.jes-hockey.com/animated/dattackweavebasic.html

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Came up with this drill over the last few weeks. Players and pucks in one corner. Goalie in net at one end. This drill could be run in 2 half simultaneously.

A player starts in the slot and receives a pass from the corner. He shoots that puck on net straight away with either a one-time shot, redirection, or similar shot. He immediately then curls back in towards the corner he received the pass from and breaks out up the wing. As he's breaking up the wing he receives another pass from the same passer and curls around at half way to attack the net. The passer, after making the second pass falls in as defence for a one-on-one as the player comes back in. After the 1-on-1 the initial passer(then defender) falls into position in the slot (where he becomes the next shooter) to receive the pass from the corner and the cycle begins again.

Good fast paced drill. Perhaps give the goalies a second to recover position between the 1-on-1 and the next shot from the slot.

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