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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Want to Make a Inline Team

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Me and few guys want to play some competitive inline hockey this summer. We want to be able to compete in a national tournament. How would we go about doing this? Would we need to register the team with an organization like NARCh, AAU, or Torhs or can we just show up to a regional tournament, pay the entrance fee and be eligible to play? We would compete in the U21 division but are not sure about AA or AAA. We have guys that have played in BCHL, EJHL, Prep, and NCAA level hockey. Would AAA fit us best? Do teams actually need a coach or can the captain act as the coach/manager?

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First you need to decide which national tournament you want to play in. Then find a regional tournament for that national and register to play in that. (if insurance is required, get insurance.) depending on where you live most regionals will not have enough teams to do a AAA and AA divisions but based on the level of competition at the regional the tournament director will post what level they think you will be the most competitive.

doesnt hurt to do a regional for a different tournament series for more practice/ a back up plan just in case

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Thanks for the reply. So my team could just show up to a regional tournament, pay the fee, and be good to play? I know it depends on the organization the tournament is under, but is that the basic idea?

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Thanks for the reply. So my team could just show up to a regional tournament, pay the fee, and be good to play? I know it depends on the organization the tournament is under, but is that the basic idea?

In most cases, you would need to register ahead of time, for scheduling purposes. (I believe)

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Most if not all the major tournament series have the dates for their regional tournaments up now so check them out and I beleive the entry deadline is like a week or two before the tournament starts like venom said in order to make a schedule.

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So my team, all players having no prior inline games under any organization, can pay the tournament fee and register before the deadline and show up to play with no problems?

Well it depends on the sanctioning body. Chances are, you'll all need to register with AAU (they seem to be the leader of the pack with the tourney stuff now) for Insurance (it's cheap. ~$15-27 for a year or two). Once that's out of the way (because generally you can't play without it), you'd contact the tournament director/organizer, and tell them you'd like to register a team for 'x' division, and they send you the registration paperwork, you fill it out, send it back (usually with a deposit, if not the whole entry fee).

After the deadline for registration they'll send out a block schedule, and that's it.

It's not as simple as just 'show up and play', but it's a fairly straightforward process...

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