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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sharpening in Western Australia

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Does anyone know of anywhere other than the Cockburn Ice Arena to get skates sharpened?

I had my new CCM V10's sharpened there (old runners, not rocket runners) tonight and i seriously doubt whether i could skate on them. It's their first sharpening so i asked them to level off the blade first because at the back it wasnt flat. No leveling off done. I asked for 5/8ths ROH, but when i looked it seemed the same as the 3/8th i have on my old skates, so i asked and was told by the person sharpening that the manager wouldnt let him do it and said to just cut it lightly. Now this has resulted in about 0.5mm of uncut edge with a 3/8th hollow in the middle.

This is after i paid $50 to get my skates baked (had a fit problem on the toe, otherwise i wouldnt have bothered), bought a $25 pair of Easton Synergy socks, $12.95 for waxed laces, and $12 for a crap sharpening.

I'm still practicing stops and skating in general so i thought i'd get a shallower cut so i don't cut in so sharply, hopefully making it easier for me. So I'd really like to know if there is anywhere that does a good job and will actually give me the hollow i ask for.

For the Americans/Canadians: we have 1 rink in the state, you leave your skates overnight or for a few days if you want them sharpened unless you're really lucky. We only have the pro-shop at the rink to choose from as far as hockey gear that i'm aware of, and the sharpening is done by skate hire at the rink. The next closest ice hockey shop i'm aware of is a few thousand km's away. Cockburn is said Co-burn, blame the natives for the coffee on your keyboard from laughing at the name.

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Hey mark, welcome to the board... I too am in WA, but only play inline. I thought of trying ice hockey at Cockburn, but didnt really think I would enjoy it.

I think they are starting a new rink up north, supposed to open last year, but with a lot of delays. Now with the economy the way it is, i doubt it will open anytime soon... shoot me a PM, there are a few more Perth based players on this board.

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Thanks :)

I'm only in Bull Creek anyway, so 10 mins from cockburn. The people there are really great and most of them are super helpful, i just feel a bit miffed about my sharpening heh.

The new ice rink was still painting the inside and putting up the barriers in december last i heard, it's up in Malaga which is 45 mins from me. Cockburn are still planning on building their new double-rink complex near Adventure World last i heard, they had council approval to buy the land and i believe are funding it themselves, this is something i really look forward to.

Have you ever come ice skating? I used to play both inline and ice hockey but had to stop due to illness, i really preferred ice hockey though - especially in summer!

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Ben @ Hockey Action in Vic Park sharpens ice skates. You wont have to leave them over night, you should be able to get them done there and then.

If you have a look here: http://www.waisa.org/Skatingbooklet.htm

Wojciech Bankowski (Artistic skater) can also sharpen ice skates. He stretched and punched my inlines for me. From what I have been able to determine, he is the only one who can do that. He works sunday mornings at the Morley Roller Rink teaching noobs like me how to skate.

I cant ice skate, so I cant tell you who is the ducks nuts when it comes to sharpening player skates.

My partner plays goals with the Old Farts & Tarts out at Cockburn on a Monday night. You can find an email address on their website: clicky and go to "About Us". Shoot them an email and ask. Monday nights are organised by Frankie (female).

When Malaga is built, Ill learn how to ice skate and give ice hockey a go. According to the website for Malaga, its not far off, a couple of months.

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