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Ice pads vs Roller pads

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Obviously ice pads are made to endure the rigors that come with a denser puck, but would roller pads suffice for temporary purposes?

One of the ice teams I sub on had a major brawl and many got suspended, so now they are looking for someone already on the roster to play between the pipes for the next three games. Since I have some history playing net in roller, I'm the willing choice. I have a ice level: Helmet, C/A, Catcher, Blocker, Pants, Jock, and even some old skates a friend gave me. I'm wondering if I need to spring for some legs, or if the Mission Helium Elite ones that I have now will suffice for three games. :huh:

Please Advise & Many thanks!

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The principal design difference between most recent ice pads and roller pads is that the ice pads have Jenpro (or some other synthetic leather) on the inside gusset, while the roller pads have some grade of nylon. The reason is partly performance and partly durability: Jenpro slides better on ice, and nylon slides better on most roller surfaces; nylon picks up a lot of snow and feels 'sticky' on ice, but Jenpro can actually get torn up pretty badly on most roller surfaces.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Helium Elites have nylon on the inner gusset, knee- and calf-wings, right? (Whereas the Helium Pros were Jenpro.) If so, you're laughing.

If not, and you really cherish your pads, you could look into a set of nylon pad covers. They generally run about $150.

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Lol, true, I'd have to examine them to be sure, but I'm pretty sure the Helium Elites are comprised of mostly nylon in the aforementioned areas. Instead of using the $150 towards covers, I'll probably just step up and find a nice set of used ice pads. Perhaps this brief stint between the pipes on ice will foster a new beginning for me in the "real" game of hockey. Thanks Law Goalie, I've seen some of your detailed posts here before, you're truly a valuable wealth of knowledge to this forum site. :D

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Except that I was so drowsy, I misread your post and thought you were moving from ice to roller, rather than the other way around!

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Either way your info is accurate, and it sounds the nylon Misson pads won't perform all that well on the ice. Thanks again. ;) Any other info/options on making the transition from roller to ice easier are welcomed as well.

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It'll work alright - Luongo, for one, uses Cordura nylon on his knee-wings, but that's because he's obscenely strong and slides too far on Jenpro. It just won't be the easiest row to hoe.

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