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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Skate Problem

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I own a pair of Easton Synergy C12 skates, or the Canadian version of the 1200C. I have had them for almost 2 seasons without many problems, but recently they have begun to break down. All along the sides and back where the composite meets the leather, the skate is coming apart. I don't know if Easton uses glue or expoxy to hold these pieces together but the leather on mine is separating noticeably from the composite, in alot of different places. This allows for snow and water to get in while I am playing.

So far I have adding crazy glue to these parts and it has been holding up, or so it seems. Is this a normal issue with these skates, or ones like it??? Is this the beginning of the end for them, or am I good to just use the crazy glue and not worry about it???

Anyone who has any input or owns similar Eastons feel free to answer...

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I own a pair of Easton Synergy C12 skates, or the Canadian version of the 1200C. I have had them for almost 2 seasons without many problems, but recently they have begun to break down. All along the sides and back where the composite meets the leather, the skate is coming apart. I don't know if Easton uses glue or expoxy to hold these pieces together but the leather on mine is separating noticeably from the composite, in alot of different places. This allows for snow and water to get in while I am playing.

So far I have adding crazy glue to these parts and it has been holding up, or so it seems. Is this a normal issue with these skates, or ones like it??? Is this the beginning of the end for them, or am I good to just use the crazy glue and not worry about it???

Anyone who has any input or owns similar Eastons feel free to answer...

Yeah, it's pretty much normal for that generation of Eastons. I use E6000 on my 800Cs, very nice glue, bonds to most everything and holds like crazy.

They do use a glue to hold the leather on, don't know exactly what, but the glue that they used breaks down over time. Replace the glue with a better one and you should be fine.

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