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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Jersey Direct?

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I got some single jerseys and socks from them. Good service. Quick delivery.

That's odd because my experiences w/ them have been less than stellar.

I've ordered from them a couple of times and no matter which shipping option I select it still takes ~3 weeks to get to me. Although, I do live in SoCal, which I'm sure extends the shipping time.

I also had to return a jersey that was too large earlier this month. Like most places, they require a return # of some sort and it took them ~2 weeks to e-mail me back w/ a proper return # (mind you they have a policy requiring you to return an item w/in a 4 week time span). I mailed that jersey back to them over three weeks ago and still haven't heard anything back from them yet.

With all that being said I just ordered another jersey from them about half an hour ago. They're the only vendors I can find that have the jersey I need that has no minimum order- so in that sense I guess they're decent.

Anyway I hope your experience goes better than mine.

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same here and i live in jersey. it took them forever to process my order. forever to ship it. and forever to get it. and when i called they gave me the run around.

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