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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick question/ help

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i am going to pick up a new stick tomorrow, Nike Bauer Supreme One 90 or Nike Bauer Vapor XXV Lite Stick’um and i was just wondering if i could get some feedback on these two sticks. maybe which is right for me, i am 6'1 on skates and 160lbs. i am more of a wrist shot shooter. info you could give would be great

thanks zach

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one90 is top of the line. XXV is a second to top of the line stick.

I've used both, and people may tell you to go for the XXV because vapors have a lower kickpoint for wristers, but I loved the one90. However, the XXV is an excellent stick too. Can't go wrong really, pick what feels best in your hands.

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I've been in the market for a new stick as well and the XXV has caught my eye. I only play casual hockey and am on a budget so I've been leaning towards the Vapor XVI or XXII sticks, anyone have experience or know much about them (other than the specs)? Like the OP I'm more of a wrist shot type player with the very odd slapper here and there.

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The Vapor XXV is by far the best stick you will find for $100, if you are looking at NBH (unless you find a great sale). I had two, 1 is now retired and one lasted 7 months of travel and high school hockey. Don't hesitate to get one, it's a great stick.

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If your left handed, have you considered some of the SMU sticks that are available. I've seen some posts on here where guys are saying they are really great sticks for the price. You might find that one of the available SMU 's is better a deal the the XXV

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When I checked last week, they didn't have either the WinWell g500 or the Inno Maniac (both at hockeyworld.com) available in a RH curve; only are available in LH.

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