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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Marketing Project help

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I am doing a project for my Marketing class in which I am required to create a business and go in depth into everything that is involved in the process of starting and running a business. My business is a sporting goods corporation.

I am currently working on the expenses aspect, and I cannot for the life of me find any figures that give me an idea what my warehousing expense would be. I need to come up with a value for the monthly cost to rent out a very large warehouse...I've tried looking through EBSCO and other search engines for similar corporations' such as Sports Authority or Dicks expenses, but I am not finding anything.

Can anybody possibly point me into the direction of a source that displays this sort of data?

I know coming to a hockey message board for info on a project seems desperate, but I am sitting in the library right now without a clue.

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