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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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VXB Bearings

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The big reason speed skaters like ceramics for distance races is that as bearings get and stay hot a steel ball can deform or pit where a ceramic won't. Hours of racing in heat is what does this, not stop and go shift skating.

Ever felt the area around one of your bearings after a hard hockey stop?

Far be it from me to tell anyone how to spend their money, but when people come to these boards looking for advice it should be noted that buying a $30 set of Bones Reds is just as good a choice as buying a $140 set of Bones Reds Ceramics. The ceramics aren't going to do anything more or less for any

I am over the whole ceramic thing and I would rather if this thread could turn slightly more towards a discussion of VXB rather than "are ceramics a waste of money" discussion even though I can't control where it goes.

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VXB haven't really shown much other than being a cheap bulk bearing. As I have maintained in every bearing thread, a quality brand should be first and foremost and from those who have tried VXB they just don't seem to quite stack up.

Granted my experience with the brand is all second hand accounts, but I have tried plenty of other brands both good and bad. Bones and BSB are the two bigger companies for a reason. Bevo isn't bad, Rocknrons aren't bad and the Mission branded bearings aren't bad. If you want to shell out the money Bont makes a pretty well regarded product. VXB seems to fit in the realm of Cyko/Speedfreak and some other secondary brands where if you're in a pinch they'll work, but there are better options out there. Really a case of you're likely getting exactly what you pay for.

And after looking at their site, you can get a set of fully ceramic bearings (ceramic races, etc) from them for $400, but given their pricing on other bearings it's no surprise they'd be half as much as other brands.

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I'd dare to say people would go for bont bearings based more around their reputation for other speed parts. Luckely this isn't a speed forum so I doubt I'll get flamed too much :blink:

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yeah the Bont Jesa bearings are supposed to be pretty good too and aren't too expensive, but outside of the speed world no one really knows about them. I miss the old German made Bionic bearings, those were pretty solid and less expensive than Swiss. They'd take a good beating and hold up nicely.

Again though with the quality choices

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