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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Couple of questions

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Hey everyone! long time lurker, first time poster. I've played hockey for a long time but as a forward. I was approached by a friend to start up a beginner team next winter. I have always wanted to play goal but I never had the chance. Well needless to say, I seized this opportunity.

So I began looking for some gear. I talked to another friend and he said that he has his old pair that he could sell me. They are 34 Itech 10.8 Vamp pads. He told me that he would sell them to me for around $300-400. Is this a good price? I have also looked for reviews of these pads but can not find any. Would they be alright for a beginner?

Obviously I need the other equipment. Would it be better to look at local hockey shops or go the online route? If the latter, does anybody have any suggested sites?

Finally, what would be the price range of some of the equipment I would need? I know it is all dependent on the condition of the gear but a price range would be awesome.


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Thanks for all the information guys. It was helpful. I do have one last question though. Is there a big difference between intermediate and senior gloves/blockers? Would it be wise to get the intermediate instead of the senior to save some money?

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