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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eBay Help

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So i was selling an iPhone on ebay, it was bought twice by fake buyers looking for it shipped to South Africa and Nigeria, no chance. Anyway i relisted the item, not knowing about the final value credit thing. So once again it was bought by a fake buyer (stupid buy it now) this time i realised the fvc thing, and got it accepted. But now i get my invoice through and eBay are asking for £67. Now i know its my own fault, but i had no idea about the final value credit, but is there anyway of getting it for the first 2 sales or is it too late? Will i have to suck it up and pay the invoice? or is there anything i can do?

Thanks Alot


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If you go under your sold items under "MY EBAY" you should be able to click on each sale of your iphone you've had. To the right of each sale you shoould be able to pull down a menu that has RELIST, SELL SIMILAR, REPORT A PROBLEM.. click on the report a problem and follow the steps. After i believe 8 days you can close the dispute and they will reimburst you for the Final Value Credit you were charged but you still must pay your listing fees. As long as the iphones you sold are under your sold items and there not over 60 days old you should be able to get your credit for it

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