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Goalie Pants vs Regular pants

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Goalie pants have a lot more padding. They seem to have a baggier fit. Wouldn't want them to be too tight when your trying to get your legs to go in different directions as fast as possible.

Not sure what the other differences are ...... *looks around for the goalies*

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Thicker padding, more padding up front then on regular pants, wider legs, usually a shorter cut pant as well.... Biggest difference is mostly the amount of padding!!

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Like most other pieces of goalie equipment, the pants are designed principally to protect the front of the body from pucks, and only offer minimal protection in other places and against other impacts. To a certain extent, they're still being made to 'fill net', meaning that the thighs and hips are much wider than they really need to be. They generally are cut short relative to player pants. Most goalie pants also have a good deal more padding along the inner thigh and groin, which is part of the reason goalies can't skate quite so freely as players. Some older goalie pants had completely flat & squared thighs (now illegal); many newer ones have built-in knee-pads in the style of my beloved old Cooper/Bauer Reactors. They are not necessarily roomier - the Vaughn Velocity fits very close to the body - but are obviously designed to allow greater range of motion through the hips and waist. They are also significantly heavier than player pants of equal size.

I have played goalie in player pants (long story) and skated out in goalie pants, and neither was entirely comfortable or safe. I would not want to take a hit and go down in full-stride in my goalie pants, and I sure as hell never want to face shots in player pants again.

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Like others said: Much more padding in the front, sides and inner thigh. Little to none in the back. Also, minimal protection around the crotch, because goalie jocks are wider and protect that area.

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