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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Camp for Europeans

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Anybody aware of a hockey school where you can focus on your individual developments?

I love hockey camps etc. But honestly, they do not bring me very far. If I go there for a week I fix my problems. However, it is really surface fixing and after being back 4 weeks and playing at home I do the same habits and mistakes. Maybe just need somebody focusing more intense on me in some kind of individual program.

Although I live in Russia I would be glad to go to somewhere in Europe or NA. So any idea is highly appreciated?

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Not sure what area you want to work on... Dr Smushkin does skating camps in Sweden every year. I imagine Sweden has tons of stuff.

But then again, I would have thought there would be tons of different development programs in Russia. Perhaps you need to find a weekly skate so you can get on-going development?

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