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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I took a slapshot off my Tuuk One up frame on my nikebauer supreme one90 roller conversion. It bent the frame slightly and now the back wheel has trouble spinning. I wanted to know if this can be fixed at a pro shop or if I'm screwed and I have to buy a new chassis? Also, if I do try and mount a new frame on the boot, can it handle another conversion? I feel like there are already holes from the missing blade holder and new holes made by this chassis. Can it handle more holes on the bottom of the sole? (its a bauer supreme one90 boot)picture001khu.jpgpicture008ket.jpg

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I feel like there are already holes from the missing blade holder and new holes made by this chassis. Can it handle more holes on the bottom of the sole? (its a bauer supreme one90 boot)

You can always fill them with epoxy to help the strength of the outsole a bit; or if the verdict is that the chassis can't be fixed, if you want you could track down another one-up so that you don't need to drill any more holes.

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I feel like there are already holes from the missing blade holder and new holes made by this chassis. Can it handle more holes on the bottom of the sole? (its a bauer supreme one90 boot)

You can always fill them with epoxy to help the strength of the outsole a bit; or if the verdict is that the chassis can't be fixed, if you want you could track down another one-up so that you don't need to drill any more holes.

Take a pair of vice grips and bend it out. Or else, any competent skate shop that deals with inline skates can bend it back out. My old Hi-Los had been dented and pulled out at least 3 times before I got new skates.

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no problems with having too many holes... some of my boots have got 3-4 sets of holes, and still hold up really well. Or fill them up with epoxy if it bothers you.

You can buy another chassis and have them mounted... some of us have got chassis that we are sellling as well (redstar alloy).

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