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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One75 Pants

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Was just looking at the new Bauer One75 pants on Ice Warehouse and I realised they have a size XLT. What is this? I presume it stands for Xtra Large Tall?

What would be the difference between these and the regular XL?

Also noticed that they do the XXL in the One55 pant. Which pair would be longer, a One75 in XLT or a One55 in XXL?

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The Tall are probably going to be 1" or 2" longer in length. An XLT will be longer than an XXL. Buying a size up will give you a little more length but will also fit bigger--so they will slide around more. So, you are better off with going your actually waist size in the tall size then to buy a size up to get more length. I'm 6'3" so I probably need a tall size--I have some Dallas Stars Easton Air pro stock that fit good--Bauer have always run shorter than Easton but that's interesting Bauer has some in tall.

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