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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One55 or Vapor XVI Shaft

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Which is a better shaft that more closely matches the feel and weight of a Vapor XV shaft from 2005?

Or should I spring for a One95?

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Which is a better shaft that more closely matches the feel and weight of a Vapor XV shaft from 2005?

Or should I spring for a One95?

i have a one55 shaft and its great...i have it in a 87 flex. I play street hockey with it. I play with a bauer 7000 blade which i got from hockeyworld.com for i think $5.99 each. The one55 also has marked areas on it where it shows you were to cut it for a stiffer flex. Overall its a great shaft, very light and it took a lot of slapshots without breaking. I recommend it. Great shaft.

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