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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ann Arbor Mens league?

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I was told last week that I'm relocating to Ann Arbor from Portland OR. I currently am a C / B level player out here. I am 26 years old and have been playing for a couple years. I grew up in MN but didn't start playing hockey till I was out here. I was looking at something that would compare in the Ann Arbor area and am not sure what to look for because the skill level there is more advanced. Any Suggestions would help?


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You'll be alright... the Ann Arbor has a great league at the ice cube (a2ice3.com) and they have Never-Ever, D, C, and B leagues... you'll be alright and fit in there... just see Shawn Spinner when you do go there and he will hook it up...

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Like Razr said, you'll have no problem finding a hockey league to fit your skill level in the Ann Arbor area. Check out the Chelsea rink as well... they have a full offering of adult leagues as well. My dad's played in just about every A2 league since the mid 70's. He currently plays in a couple masters leagues (50+) out of the Chelsea rink. They use to play at the cube, but had a falling out with them a few years ago. http://www.arcticcoliseum.net/index.html

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