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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taking a layer of palm off

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I've got the NB one70 gloves, and I love everything about them except the palms. I love the flexibility and tight fit. HOwever, the palms feel extremely thick, and I cant get a 'feel' for my stick, it seems to be a barrier between my hands and the shaft. Could I undo some of the stitching on the palm to take one layer of palm off to make it thinner?


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I'm not real familiar with the One70 glove, but if it is like most gloves that have a reinforcement piece that runs across the palm and a bit up the thumb then it can be done quite easily. I've done it with a bunch of gloves that I've gotten with the double-palm. Basically what you want to do is find the seems that connect the reinforcement piece to the main palm and use a seam ripper or exacto knife to remove those stitches. Once that is done, you simply cut the reinforcement piece out from its connection to the gusset of the glove.

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