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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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weight on Sher-wood RM19 shaft

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Not sure if it helps, but I've got a RM19 cut OPS. Its cut to take tapered blades and weight about 280gm with a woodend end plug.

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Not sure if it helps, but I've got a RM19 cut OPS. Its cut to take tapered blades and weight about 280gm with a woodend end plug.

So the RM19 is a light stick? Thanks for the info!

Anyone weigh the RM19 shaft?

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I used the OPS and it was slightly heavier than the Easton SE which is 420... I believe the RM19 was between 430-440... however I hated the OPS bc the blades broke WAY too much.

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I used the OPS and it was slightly heavier than the Easton SE which is 420... I believe the RM19 was between 430-440... however I hated the OPS bc the blades broke WAY too much.

Thanks for the info! Did you like everything else about the OPS other then the blade?

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