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RBK SH8K Sickick II OPS/shaft question

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Does the RBK SH8K Sickick II OPS/shaft have rounded corners or a concave shape?


Are you asking if the shaft is a "T" or "C" geometry? If so, the 8k shaft is a "T" geometry.

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Does the RBK SH8K Sickick II OPS/shaft have rounded corners or a concave shape?


Are you asking if the shaft is a "T" or "C" geometry? If so, the 8k shaft is a "T" geometry.

What does the T or C geometry mean?

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Does the RBK SH8K Sickick II OPS/shaft have rounded corners or a concave shape?


Are you asking if the shaft is a "T" or "C" geometry? If so, the 8k shaft is a "T" geometry.

What does the T or C geometry mean?

T is for Traditional geometry while C is for Contoured geometry which is what I assume you mean by rounded corners.

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Does the RBK SH8K Sickick II OPS/shaft have rounded corners or a concave shape?


Are you asking if the shaft is a "T" or "C" geometry? If so, the 8k shaft is a "T" geometry.

What does the T or C geometry mean?

T is for Traditional geometry while C is for Contoured geometry which is what I assume you mean by rounded corners.

So is C contoured and rounded corners? I thought contoured meant it had a hour glass type shape.

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