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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM vs RBK Fit

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Hey guys, noob here. I am just starting to play roller hockey, been playing ice for a few months but my buddy's felt like doing roller in the summer. I was wondering how the fit is between CCM ice skates and RBK inline skates are. I know that RBK owns CCM but not sure if their skates are similar in terms of fit. I have CCM Vector skates (size 8E) and have put RBK 5K inline skates on hold (size 8E as well) as they were the only pair for my size. I have wide feet but with a bit of a narrower heel (size 9.5 shoes). My CCM skates are perfect fit. The issue is that it is a long drive to my LHS and I already went last week, got sized up with Mission's and they all felt good in store but after getting home and wearing them around my heel got pretty loose (tried putting on two socks and superfeet and still it was moving around) so had to go all the way back to return. I'm hoping that these RBK's will fit just as well as my CCM's. Unfortunately my LHS doesn't have much else in stock and nothing in my size. If these aren't close then I'll just have to look elsewhere or find another solution as I don't want to drive all the way only for them to not fit me.

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I found different model CCM ice skates fit me differently because of the amount of ankle padding/heel depth. In general, I wear a 9D in both CCM and RBK ice skates. That being said, a guy I play with has the top of the line RBK roller skate the the thing is falling apart in less than 6 months playing only once a week in a pretty recreational level league. I would just convert a pair of ice skates you like for roller.

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Well the thing is that I play a lot of stick and puck during the summer for practice so can't really convert. Would getting the Mission's in regular width and stretching out the forefoot be possible?

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