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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Need to replace a Vapor XX goalie stick

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About the past two months, they've been throwing me into the nets because no goalies have shown. Today, the Bauer Vapor XX broke, so I need to replace it. However, my guess is it was purchased on price, versus actual preferences, so what would be some suggestions to go with for value/performance?

By the way, I'm having a tough time shooting the puck, because I'm a RH shot but have always caught a baseball with my left hand. Should I keep working on shooting lefty as a goalie or should I flip the stick around and shoot righty?

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I've always been a fan of the SWD 9950's. ebay user Hockeyplusmore has some great deals on em. As for shooting...there are a couple different options you could try..you could try the Turco method, wherein putting your catching Palm on top of the shaft to push down, and just flip your Blocker Wrist to Shoot the puck. Another option I've seen for normal Righty Shooting players in net, is to rotate the stick around..put your catch glove over the knob..and pull the stick like in a backhand shot. It's kind of hard to describe, it's like shooting a back hand, but your blocker hand is turned Over top of the stick, and are pulling at the puck. There's a goalie in my men's league that can do this extremely well, he's almost hit the ceiling a couple times with it.

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