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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tackla 2440 Pro lite Pants ?

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Anyone currently using the Tackla 2440 pants ? Looking for some new pants. Im 6'5" and noticed they have the L TALL size which should be perfect. Havent been able to try em on. Local shops dont have them. Also, any ideas as to a similar pair that may run long? How light are these compared to RBK? My old Bauer Supremes feel like a tank compared to the new stuff.


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I am 6'5" myself and I recently picked up a pair of Mission L3's on clear out. They have a length adjustment of 1.5" which I found to be perfect for me. They are pretty light weight so they make a good beer league pant, there not up to par with the Tackla's I have used protection wise, but i guess it depends on what your looking for. Plus there only $39 at sportchek right now.

I think Sande also makes a pant you can drop down too, but I dont have any personal experience with those.

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