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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate performance

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Looking for some advice on skates.

Currently have a pair of Bauer Supreme 3000's, probably 7 or 8 years old. They are in good condition, and won't need any repairs or anything for a while. I've been tempted to buy the Bauer One 95's. Some people tell me technology has changed considerably in skates, especially in the materials used allowing for more flexibility and power transfer. The skates I have right now are comfortable, so if I were to upgrade it would be strictly for performance. Is there a noticeable difference? (play in a few men's leagues, first tier)

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Looking for some advice on skates.

Currently have a pair of Bauer Supreme 3000's, probably 7 or 8 years old. They are in good condition, and won't need any repairs or anything for a while. I've been tempted to buy the Bauer One 95's. Some people tell me technology has changed considerably in skates, especially in the materials used allowing for more flexibility and power transfer. The skates I have right now are comfortable, so if I were to upgrade it would be strictly for performance. Is there a noticeable difference? (play in a few men's leagues, first tier)

Much stiffer & much lighter, a big difference.

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does that equal noticeably more speed, better turning, and/or anything else? -thanks

Yes. I had to wear my dads old supreme for a game once my skate holders cracked awhile back and i couldn't believe how awful they were. You will notice a huge difference trust me.

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I was using old supreme 3000s as well and blew out the second pair of tuuks so I picked up some XXV's. the biggest difference is the support of the stiffer boot, and I would have to say yes it is better. Its not like you'll be ovechkin all the sudden, but it really feels like many things take 1-2 less strides than it used to. Its not more flexible, its less, but consider chasing a puck down in the corner from a situation where your in front of the net not moving much, when you lean into the newer boot and it responds much faster instead of taking so much work to get moving in old skates.

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